This site is currently under construction.  Please excuse our mess.

Thank you for visiting Imaginarium Pictures  a provider of photography and video production services to the greater Kalamazoo area and across Southwest Michigan.  A web site is to be informative, so visitors will find more information about our photography video production package within the following pages.  Still have questions?  Have a project in mind?  Reach out to the studio through our contact page or give us a call.

High School Seniors

Before one knows it the school year will be over and Summer will be upon us.  A traditional time for the incoming Senior classes to take a moment and recognize their accomplishments.  Learn more about our Senior Portrait package here!

Wedding Season

The studio is  still scheduling dates for this year and is now looking into 2025.  Visit the wedding photography or wedding video pages to learn more about the available packages.

Kingsley House

Imaginarium Pictures is pleasedd to continue its collaboration with the Kingsley House in Fennville, MI.  A wonderful destination for couples who are looking to keep their wedding day simple, while very much memorable.  To share the many memories created at the Kingsley House the following gallery has been put together.

Video Conversions 

Have any old family vidoes, but know longer has a way to wach them?  Use Imaginarium Pictures video conversion services to digitize the memories and preserve them for the years ahead.